SQL Server 시작계정이 존재하는 레지스트리의 경로확인
SQL Server 시작할때 시작계정을 레지스트리의 값을 가져와서 구동이 된다.
그럼 레지스트리의 어느 경로에 있을까?
위 레지스트리의 경로에 보면 CurrentControlSet 바로 위에 있는 ControlSet001..002 이렇게 생성이 된다.
어떤 의미일까?
결론 : CurrentControlSET은 001꺼로 동기화를 하고 최근 마지막구성은 002 로 복원안전모드시 가져오게 되는 값이다.
ontrol sets are stored in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE subtree, under the SYSTEM key. There may be several control sets depending on how often you change system settings or have problems with the settings you choose. A typical installation of Windows NT will contain four:
ControlSet001 may be the last control set you booted with, while ControlSet002 could be what is known as the last known good control set, or the control set that last successfully booted Windows NT. The CurrentControlSet subkey is really a pointer to one of the ControlSetXXX keys. Clone is a clone of CurrentControlSet, and is created each time you boot your computer by the kernel initialization process. In order to better understand how these control sets are used, you need to be aware of another subkey, Select.
검색어 : 시작계정레지스트리경로